Meet the candidate

Dear voters,


I am writing to you to seek your support in the upcoming by-election for the Woodbridge County Council seat, taking place on the 12th October, 2023.


I have spent the last 12 months campaigning alongside our late County Councillor Caroline Page for the removal of pollution in the river, achieving an outstanding success with the designation of  bathing water status at Waldringfield. The Deben is the only tidal estuary to be awarded this grading in the UK and it means that the river ecology will receive increased protection against sewage releases from the waste water treatment works at Martlesham.


A great achievement. But the complex and difficult job is not yet complete, applying for the same status at Woodbridge will mean that Anglian Water has to make obligatory improvements at Melton and Wickham Market which will protect the Deben from sewage dumping and mean that the biodiversity of this precious asset is protected – a clear benefit to the people of Woodbridge.


With her sad passing the seat has become vacant. I spent most of the last year at her side while in typical Cro style she tried to teach me everything she could about the County Council position, sharing her insights, vision for Woodbridge as well as preparing me to deal with her concerns for matters that may arise in the future.


She asked me to share her final official letter in my campaign – this is what she wanted to say to you:


‘... the only reason I have been able to be so active in recent months is due to the unflagging support, energy and assistance of Woodbridge Town Councillor, Ruth Leach, whose kindly and selfless dedication and ability to follow through with so many vital Woodbridge causes - from Family Carers to river quality to affordable housing to mothers and toddlers has allowed me to continue my work - through her - to do my best to try to assist those that most need help. I don’t know how long I have in this wonderful world but I believe I have left you someone who will continue what I have started, with a matching level of passion and commitment.’

Final letter, Caroline ‘Cro’ Page, June 2023.


She often said that the best quality a councillor could have was to care for their community...and I care deeply.


For saving the Deben to protect the environment, for our rich heritage of maritime industry, for tourism and for the children who still don’t have a place to swim safely, I care.


For the Woodbridge families facing many challenges, elderly grandparents fighting ill health or loneliness, parents who need a ‘soft play’ area to meet up at in winter to children who may be excluded from school because of diverse educational needs I see your plight and would like to be your voice at County Council.


And finally – our local landscape - anyone driving or cycling the area is well aware of the potholes and bumps in the roads, pavements are putting our elderly residents at risk of trips and falls and our pathways are frequently overgrown while our dogs end up with grass seeds in their ears and eyes. I would like to change this – but to do so I need to be the voice fighting your corner at County level.


So, this is my call to you for support, vote LEACH  on the 12th October and help me send a message to our conservative MP, Therese Coffey that says WE WANT THINGS DONE DIFFERENTLY IN WOODBRIDGE and we won’t give up until we succeed!


Thank you for your support